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I said goodbye to my friends... suprisingly, I'm feeling lonely.

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Venting/give me advice thread. Please keep anon.

A little while ago, I graduated University and decided to move into a place with my girlfriend. "How lovely" some of you may think, and it is in a bittersweet way. I appreciate her company and it's nice to have my own place.

However, I had to make a few sacrifices, one sacrifice that is particularly bothering me is my friends.

Now you see, the town which I currently live in is not my
hometown. I did had a few friends here, but not to the level as my hometown. This should help build some context.

I make friends easily with women. Thing is, I don't see them in a sexual light. I'm almost like "the nice guy" without the cringe worthy posts and the sense of entitlement to women just because I am nice to them. I literally see them as friends, and as good people.

Problem is my girlfriend must think I'm some catch, because she'd make my life hell for talking to those girls. Like, seriously. She did think I was going to run off with them it got a little bit ridiculous.

Then again, I got ridiculous for a bit as I would talk to them just as friends without telling my girlfriend. Sure she found out eventually and poop really did hit the fan. So I decides before we moved in together to just say goodbye to all my old friends, because it was too much hassle.

Changed my phone number, deleted Facebook, Twitter was pruned and all other accounts gone. So I'm practically dead to my friends now. I told a few I was going, and they got angry so they hate me. I never had that many friends, but the ones I did have meant so much to me. I'd love to just chill and chat one day, catch up see how everyone's doing and what not. I miss them, I feel lonely.

Now my happiness in being with my girlfriend is compromised. And I don't mean little rows, it's just constant bad moods all the time from us both. It's gotten to the point where I am considering taking my own death to just start over.

I need to start again, I'm not getting any younger and before you know it I'll be old and lonely. I don't know what to do. Anyone got any advice?

Thank you guys.


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