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Do any other girls out there also feel like this? Am I weird?

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I'm wondering if it's just me that doesn't want to be in a romantic relationship. I'm far more focussed on my own interests and passions and in looking out for my friends, family and the welfare of other human beings, than I am looking for one partner with whom to spend my life. Being in a relationship just doesn't interest me and I don't understand why we are constantly sold the message that we need to be in a relationship. When I'm not with someone all I seem to get is friends and family asking 'have you met anyone yet?', as if it's some kind of expectation of me. When I say no I haven't I get consoled(!): 'I'm sure they'll come along', and 'it's hard finding the right partner'. But what if there is no 'right' partner, or what if I don't want to find them?

I don't have anything against people in my relationships, plenty of my friends are in them and I'm perfectly happy for them. I just don't really want to be tied down to someone else in a way that could prevent me pursuing my passions in life, I don't want all the emotional aggro or to have to change for someone else (as you often have to do in a relationship - change and grow for someone else) and I just want to be my own person. Yet I'm made to feel that I should somehow be hunting down 'the one'? Does anyone else feel the same?


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