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I'm not thinking straight need some advice

So my ex stole my medical records and turned them into court and used them against me in our custody battle.

Backstory; She worked for Coventry and my insurance was through Coventry so my records were highly confidential and only accessible by a tier 2 supervisor or above. She used to tell me about it because she wanted to see what my co-pays and stuff would be before we got them in the mail but she couldn't.

About six weeks ago she turns my medical records over to her lawyer and he writes up the following, summarized:

I'm bi-polar. It's not a secret to anyone in my life or even random people who I mention it too. But there was no paperwork for her to prove it. So she printed up some insurance forms (or had her supervisor, probably Mike since they were f****** but I have no proof that he accessed them yet, do it). I mean she couldn't do it and there are only three people in the huge building who could have. Her direct supervisor was one of them.

She also printed up my STD test form. I saw a brand new doctor for these tests and did it after I left her. For some reason that doctor marked on her chart that I had "organic delusional syndrome." I had never heard of this but I've since looked it up. I'm not sure why that's on my chart and bi-polar is blank. I told her I was bi-polar. The doctor visit was short. Pee in a cup and give them some blood samples. There was nothing even remotely like a psych evaluation and she isn't a mental health professional either...

Anyway my lawyer, in our response, put in there that neither of us should violate HIPPA laws to gather evidence for the court.

The HIPPA violations are a big deal. I've already spoken with and hired a second attorney to pursue this issue for me but I have not given her permission to act. She keeps pressuring me to do it.

She will file the forms with HHS and file a complaint with the state attorney general. That is two felonies that each carry a mandatory minimum sentence of six months in federal prison up to ten years. And fines between $10,000 and $250,000. Per offense.

And then we will sue my ex and Coventry and we will sue her supervisor that helped her.

I've been assured that this is an open and shut case and that Coventry will settle with me for a rather significant sum of money.

About half of my friends are incredulous that I haven't done this yet. And the other half tell me it's a horrible idea and that if I do this and destroy my ex's job, her ability to get a job in the future, and possible put her in prison that my son will hate me for it in the future.

My son is two years old. He knows like twenty words. His favorites are candy and no. And it's not like if she goes to prison he's going to the orphanage or something.

She knows that I can do these things but at the same time she is sooooo deep in denial about EVERYTHING that she doesn't get it. When I try to tell her about it she mentally shuts down with anger. Everything still is and always will be my fault entirely and she is completely incapable of taking any responsibility for her many infidelities, our marriage failing, her stealing my identity countless times, or anything at all.

Honestly I just want her to give me joint physical custody. I have everything else I wanted and more because I'm lucky and court went super insanely well for me. But I don't have that and I want my son. I don't care about money.

I guess I know what I should do. I just hate it. Does anyone think I shouldn't move forward like tomorrow?


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