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Why do I get so obsessed over girls, and how can I stop?

Whenever I 'like' girls I 'really like them'. As in I don't think about dating any other girls and think about what it would be like to date them all the time, and pretty much date them in my head, and stalk the **** out of them on the internet. For example I believed I was 'in love' with a girl at Uni for about 2 years, and was completely obsessed with her even though she'd made it explicitly clear she wasn't interested. However now I have come to realise that I wasn't in love with her at all, I was just obsessed with her.

But unfortunately instead of learning from this I've just moved onto a new obsession, a girl I've only met about twice, never had a proper conversation with, and is highly likely I will even see again, but for some reason I can't stop thinking about her, stalking her on the internet, imagining dating her in my head, It's not even like she's my ideal girl, she's amazing looking but it appears from my stalking that she's got none of the same interests as me, likes completely different music etc, but for some reason I can't stop thinking about any other girl but her. What's wrong with me? Why do I always obsess over girls, especially girls I know I will not get, and its even logistically impossible to get?


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