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Loyal to a fault?

I would be happy if you could give me your honest oppinion on something.

Whatever bad things you can say about H, that he is illoyal is none of them. If a cause or a person has his loyality he has it forever. He has been there for me whenever I needed him.

H sometimes tunes me out. He just freezes and stares. He told me he is sorry but cannot help it. It just happens to him when his mind goes others places. H asked me to gently touch him and tell him when he was doing that. So I do this and take his hand and kiss it and tell him.

A relative of mine told me he thinks I am loyal to a fault for doing this. He would kick H in the butt if he was me.

H has some problems he asked me not to talk about. R noticed, inquired about them and I told him I was bound to my word and could not discuss this topic with him. R was shocked to learn H could ever ask me not to discuss something with my own family. We are very close.

R thinks H uses me as a doormat.

What is your opinion?


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