Been dating a guy for the last month (we met online). He's 24 and I'm 21. We started off with loads of very flirty texting before we met, which is quite normal I expect.. we had a great first date which ended with a very passionate kiss!
I was really nervous and he said I should relax more. And his confident reassurance was actually quite a turn on. We've been dating for the last 6 weeks or so, been on 8 dates so far.
Did some really cute date ideas like perfume shopping and breakfast chess, as well as a couple of more steamy dinner dates... :D
So it all sounds good on paper, but we've gone from seeing each other 1-2 times a week to barely once a week, with much less texting.
The last date we went on he cut short becuase he was hung over from the night before and had someone he wanted to meet the next day. I was a bit insulted (more so than usual because I was feeling a bit low for other reasons, which I'd told him about.) I told him I felt rejected by the fact he'd invited me home with him and then told me he wanted to go home on his own suddenly.
I asked him if he was seeing another woman tomorrow and he told me to stop being so neurotic. I thought it was a bit harsh all of it after I'd already told him I was feeling **** after a tough week at work. But I probably shouldn't have asked. (We're not official though)
He kissed me goodnight and promised we'd meet up again in the week. I told him which days I could do.
We've been texting once or twice each day but he didn't ask me out. I invited him round for the afternoon tomorrow and he took 6 hours to respond (as he so often does it's really annoying if it's a question I want an answer to). Meanwhile my friend invited me to something that day and I crossly agreed because id heard nothing back from the guy. I texted him and said come round for dinner instead. The next day(!) he said he already had plans for saturday night.
So basically it's just another week of "not having time" to see each other. Another week of me getting progressively more pissed off.
I feel like I'm being really irrational but surely this should be the exciting fun bit! I also have a hunch he's avoiding intimacy (we tried to have sex once but he had problems with the condom which he was really embarassed about). Is this why he doesn't want to see me in the evenings? Should I say something?
I'm so confused. Any advice is gratefully appreciated!![]()
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