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Financial crisis, "going back home"

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My parents are planning to move to UK to start a new business, they have been working in the gastronomic industry for 20 hard and stressing years before it wasn't profitable in our native country. I personally feel here in UK they have more opportunities and quite easily can open sth new and manage to earn money rather than stay there.

So yeah at the very moment nobody in the family is working and there is no income, we are only spending. My parents have been thinking a lot of sth new, consulting with their friends living in UK etc and I'm glad they decided to come here. So the thing is, my sibling is starting uni this year and we MUST apply for a student loan otherwise we can't afford it without touching the saving money. Fo that reason, since I'm studying in the city where my parents are planning to move in, we decided the best thing would be to find a flat to live together.

And here is the problem: I was a bit negative about that at first. I mean, I like being alone and independent, doing everything on my own, sorting out grocery, going out with friends at any time etc, typical student life. But living again with my parents, I felt like a failure, you know something like "going back home", idk if it was my pride thinking that I'm moving backward by getting to live with my parents again even thought I know that I'm still studying and they pay so much for me for which I'm eternally grateful but I felt like I'm a grown up already and living again with parents is kinda not appropriate anymore. Of course I was also mad at myself for thinking such way, like I'm thinking so high of myself, too arrogant or so and it bothers me because dammit this is about the whole family future and here I'm dwelling about my silly issues of not being free and independent. I feel bad about that and my parents said that if I don't want them near me than they won't move, I feel like such **** and I regret that, I should have been more supporting and yet I acted like a brat, seems like I'm not such a grown up as I thought so.

I want to ease the atmosphere between me and my family (they haven't said anything more but they looked obviously sad) but I also want to not feel so negative about their move here as well and these conflicting emotions keep messing my head.


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