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How often should i be seeing her???

hi everyone, need some advice.... Here is my story: I was married 14 yrs and together a total of 17 yrs. I just turned 40 yrs old, and will be divorced in may, been separated for about 2 yrsI have been dating a girl for about 3.5 months...My thing is that i havent dated obviously for years.. prior to my soon to be ex i did have some GF's, but mostly just hooked ups!! my GF is busy alot during the week and generally see her weekends for most part. this may sound kinda dumb, but what is normal to see your GF. Its been about 8 days since ive seen her, she suffers from depression at times and sometimes wants to be alone,but what is normal amount of time to see a girlfriend. I average only see her maybe every week or so..


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