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Is it sad that my only real goal in life is to find love?

I'm a 21 year old woman. As much as I've tried to force myself into chasing a high-flying career, deep down I realise I genuinely don't really care about all that stuff very much. I do care about having a job, but I'm not too fussed what it is as long as it's reasonably respectable and earns me a satisfactory wage to live decently. I care more about hobbies and friends and social life, and finding the perfect partner. The latter of which I've been finding incredibly difficult, as I'm one of those people who just find it very difficult to attract people and enter any relationships. This has naturally made me depressed for the past few years. To try and counteract this, I've just been really trying to find hobbies to help fulfil my life and throw myself into them, as well as do things and go new places to increase my chances of finding someone. I've also been using online dating on and off since I was 18, but not had any luck with it so far.

Some people tell me to just stop worrying, and just concentrate on other things, that relationships aren't important. I've even been accused of being desperate, and maybe I am at times, but why is how I feel seen as wrong? Isn't it more natural to desire a mate and create offspring than to live to be another rat in the corporate race? Believe or not, priorities can vary from person to person, right? In some cultures it's pretty normal to grow up and just expect to become a housewife, but here and now that's looked down upon and people push you into career even if your mind and personality may not be that way inclined, which I find sad.

Does anyone else feel like this? I'm not even very sure why I'm writing this to be honest. Just wanting to vent. I'm guessing all I can do is keep concentrating on hobbies and social life to keep me buzzing until my prince charming hopefully one day materialises...

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