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Should men under 40 that have a low sex drive have their man card taken?

Browsing this forum it downright astounds me how many women are dating/married to men under 40 that are low drive. At first I couldn't believe it. What's the deal? Are they all secretly gay? I've known PLENTY of young men and I have never known a man with an attractive woman that would REJECT sex. I dunno, but I know if I ever did meet a man with an attractive wife/gf and I found out he regularly rejected sex from her EPSECIALLY when she, herself wants it I'd laugh in his face and tell him to turn in his man card and he could get it back once he starts acting like a man and grows some balls.

Whenever I read women complaining about their men not wanting sex and they're under 40 I just think "W......T.......F?? Are these things even human, much less part of the male species??".

I guess it really gets me knowing that there are attractive women wasting times with these poor excuses of the male gender instead of getting with REAL men that know what being a man means and would happily jump their bones every chance they get.

Ladies, word of advice: If you are with a man under 40 and try to be sexy/attractive with him and he rejects you, do not pass go, do not collect $200. Laugh in his face, and walk out the door while saying you're going to find a real man that isn't a disgrace to the male gender.


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