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Emotional VS physical affair

What r your thoughts about emotional VS phsycial affairs? Is emotional really a "made up" term. My stbx seems to think so. Says he always was faithful just bc no sex. I of course disagree. Knowing he ran after various women over the years is a huge bruise to my already fragile ego. Yeah he has his reasons why he did that but at the end of the day I had many many problems with how he was absent from me emotionally and sometimes sexually yet i never thought of running to someone else to fill those needs. I mean if your married your with that person. Unhappy? Leave. Otherwise work out your damn issues. Talk abou it, get therapist involved, date each other etc.. I dont think there should be any exuses for any sort of affair.

I think this world has gone crazy though bc everyone seems to be having sex with everyine else. WHY? Everyone seems to be getting divorced. WHY? Are people so selfish with our instant gratification needs that noone could be faithful anymore? Are people so selfish all they do is look at the women they DONT have instead of the one they do? No woman will be everything - perfect butt, face, boobs, body, personality, attentive, perfect mom, housewife etc.. But your woman will have some of those qualities and more!! Why not love what we have? Why not appreciate what we have? Why not be grateful for what we have? Why always focus on the girl we CANT? Why, why, why?

We are most definitely a selfish bunch of people. That is my conclusion of this all.


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