My boyfriend works full time whereas I am a student. I have savings in my bank from a bursary and a loan which will be used to pay my rent for the next few months, but even though he has a full time job, my boyfriend seems to struggle financially and sometimes has barely anything towards the end of the month. Last month he said he was going to have to ask his brother to borrow some money to keep him going until he got paid. I then said I wouldn't mind him borrowing some money from me if he was really struggling. He then said he would feel like he was taking advantage and I said ok, I just thought I would offer. He then said he would pay me back as soon as he got paid and I said ok that's fine and I gave him £50. We then went to the cinema with his friend a couple of days later and he asked if he could use my card and give me the money because he only had cash and we were using the machine to pay our tickets which only accepts card. But then he didn't give me the money and I thought he maybe forgot as we were in a rush to get the bus, but he never mentioned it later either. This all happened two weeks ago and he got paid one week ago, but still hasn't said anything about it at all or paid me back. Even though I'm not exactly too comfortable financially either, the money isn't my main problem. I don't really mind when he pays me back. But I am disappointed in the way he has handled this, I thought more of him. He could at least asked if it was ok to wait and give me the £10 for the cinema with the rest he owes me. Then he didn't give me the other money back either when he got paid and he hasn't said anything. It hasn't been that long so I haven't mentioned anything about it at all either. I don't want to make him feel bad because I don't think he is meaning to take advantage. But just wondered what other people think and should I bring it up or wait longer or even wait until the next time he gets paid to ask him about it?
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